
Check out the history of BarnesCare from the 1940s to today

Check out the history of BarnesCare from the 1940s to today.

BarnesCare Celebrates 75 years of Workplace Health Care and Innovation

Founded by a pioneering physician and sustained by a nationally recognized health care system, BarnesCare is celebrating 75 years as the premier occupational health care choice for St. Louis employers — from multinational companies to local family-owned businesses.

Parker Earns CIME Certification

We are pleased to announce that BarnesCare’s John Kent Parker, MD, MPH has earned the certification as Certified Independent Medical Examiner (CIME).

Karen Moore Receives Distinguished Award

BarnesCare nurse practitioner Karen Moore, DNP, APRN, ANP-BC, FAANP has been honored as a fellow by the American Academy of Nursing.

Nurse Practitioners Add Value

Nurse practitioners practice in a variety of ambulatory, acute and long term care settings -- including occupational health. At BarnesCare, nurse practitioners are key players in a collaborative practice with physicians, physical and occupational therapists and other health care professionals.

BJC Publishes Community Benefit Report
From free flu shots for the community every year, to charity care for those in need, to supporting the education of future nurses and doctors, BJC HealthCare community benefit programs touch the community one life at a time. 

Kibby Named Chief Medical Officer of BarnesCare

Tom Kibby, MD, MPH, FACOEM, CIME, has been named chief medical officer of BarnesCare. Dr. Kibby has worked with BarnesCare since 2007 and has over 24 years of experience working in occupational medicine. “Dr. Kibby has worked closely with area employers providing expert care and consultation in workplace health and safety,” says Pat Venditti, executive director of BJC Corporate Health Services. “As chief medical officer, he will continue to focus on improving our quality of care and advancing our strategic vision.”

Life-Long Learner Earns Health Coach Certification
The National Society of Health Coaches (NSHC) has awarded the certification of health coach to Diane Palmer, RN, MPH. For Palmer, BarnesCare’s director of clinic operations, the certification is another step in her life-long journey of learning. “I pursued the certification for personal and professional reasons,” says Palmer. “I am passionate about promoting healthy lifestyles and want to learn as much as I can. What I learned by studying for the certification will help me in both my personal and professional life. 

Kibby Awarded Prestigious Status of Fellow
Thomas B. Kibby, MD, MPH, CIME, FACOEM, has been elevated to the status of fellow of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM). He has earned this recognition through his active participation in the organization and through his contributions to the field of occupational and environmental medicine. 


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