
Making Fitness Fun at Work

Making Fitness Fun at Work

On 20 Aug 2015, in

 If it wasn’t your most recent, then maybe your work environment isn’t as healthy as it could be. Fortunately, the BJC WellAware Center has a team of experts who will come to you and help make fitness fun.

“Fitness Fun” is a service the WellAware Center has provided for over four years throughout BJC and at companies in the St. Louis area. The goal is simple: break up a long, lecture-filled conference or meeting with a quick 20- to 30-minute activity. We present a wellness topic of discussion and create safe, fun and engaging activities that will drive the point home. These can range from breathing and stretching for stress relief, to mini obstacle courses to promote hand-eye-foot coordination — and everything in between.

The No. 1 perceived barrier for physical activity is time. Consider this: You spend more than a third of your weekday commuting and working; you spend another third sleeping; and you’re left with the remainder to prepare and eat meals, run errands, complete household chores and care for your family.

So where does physical activity come in? The experts say you should reserve at least 30 minutes most days of the week for cardiovascular exercise, separate from your activities of daily living. You also need 45-60 minutes for muscular strength training two to three days a week. Many people find it an overwhelming task to meet these recommendations on a consistent basis, which deters from even trying to start a physical activity regimen.

How does this relate to fitness fun? Give us 30 minutes a month with your team and we can help team members understand the importance of exercise, educate them on proper methods and answer questions about how to best manage their stressful schedules. We’ll get your team mentally and physically engaged in healthy activities that take their minds off work-related tasks, only to help them re-energize and refocus immediately after.

Show you care about your team’s health by making time for it at work. Putting wellness on the agenda proves to employees that you value their well-being. Observe the boost in team morale and productivity by simply reserving 30 minutes of work time for off-topic leisure activity. The WellAware Center is ready to help you break through your team’s physical activity barriers and show your employees how to make fitness fun.

To schedule a “Fitness Fun” presentation for your next conference or meeting, contact Ryan Lord, WellAware worksite wellness coordinator. 

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