
Workplace Wellness Program

Workplace Wellness Program

On 18 Aug 2015, in

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports: 

  • A one percent reduction in excess weight, elevated blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol has been shown to save $83 to $103 annually in medical costs per person. 
  • An analysis of 22 employer studies showed employee health care costs were reduced $3.27 for every $1 spent on comprehensive workplace health programs.
  • Absenteeism costs dropped by $2.73 for every $1 spent over a period of three years or more.
  • Additional benefits of workplace wellness programs include improved job satisfaction, corporate image and employee morale.

Spark change and empower your employees to voluntarily seek ways to improve their health with powerful wellness education classes and materials.

Lunch and Learn Programs
A BarnesCare wellness coordinator will present valuable health and wellness information on a variety of topics including weight management, nutrition, stress management, cancer prevention, cholesterol reduction, substance abuse and home safety. We can also create a presentation tailored for your company and culture.

Wellness Newsletter
BarnesCare can deliver a timely, health message to your employees each month. Practical health information, branded with your company logo will reinforce your organization’s commitment to employee health and well-being. Available in printed or electronic version, a newsletter is a great way to add energy to your program.

Smoking Cessation
BarnesCare offers smoking cessation in six one-hour sessions to help tobacco users overcome addiction to nicotine. Sessions include behavior modification techniques to quit, minimize relapse and reduce stress. Our program includes discussion of nicotine replacement products and the use of devices marketed as safer alternatives to smoking. Participants are highly encouraged to attend all sessions.

10-Week Weight Management Program
Conducted by a registered dietitian, the Conquering Calories Class (C3) teaches principles of nutrition in fun, easy to understand classes. The goal is to create a supportive group environment that empowers participants to implement lifestyle modifications that are centered on improving nutrition and increasing physical activity.

For more information about these programs, contact BarnesCare, or call 314.747.5859.

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