News Dedicated to a Healthy Workplace
March 2015
Oral Fluid Drug Testing at BarnesCare
BarnesCare offers a practical and reliable alternative to urine drug testing. The Intercept oral fluid test can be collected anytime, anywhere, with no need for special collection facilities. The Intercept oral fluid test is a laboratory-based test for the most common drugs of abuse: marijuana, cocaine, opiates, PCP and amphetamines (including methamphetamine and ecstasy).
Oral fluid collection is easy to do and, unlike a urine test, is performed by the donor in the presence of an observer -- dramatically decreasing the risk of adulterated samples. And since samples can be conveniently collected in-house -- anywhere from a small conference room to an office -- scheduling hassles and collection fees are virtually eliminated.
Best of all, the collection process takes just a few minutes with negative results available the next day from the testing laboratory, and confirmed positives reported within 48 hours of receipt.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Which drugs can you detect in oral fluid?
The Intercept® oral fluid drug testing service can detect the NIDA-5 drug panel (marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines and PCP), which represents the most common drugs requested by employers for workplace drug testing.
2. How does the detection window for oral fluid testing compare with other methods?
Just like traditional urine testing, the window in oral fluid testing is different for each drug. However, unlike urine testing, oral fluid testing can be used to identify recent usage -- during the first four hours after drug use. For most drugs, the window of detection in oral fluid is about one to three days. By contrast, urine testing relies on drug metabolites retained in the body's waste supply and may detect some drugs for a longer period.
3. What methodology do you employ?
Oral fluid samples are first screened at a testing laboratory using enzyme immunoassay technology, proven reliable for routine drug testing. Any samples that test positive in the screening process are then subjected to gas chromatography/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (GC/MS/MS), the latest, most sensitive drug confirmation technology.
4. How is the data reported?
Results can be reported in a variety of ways, including secure Internet connection.
5. Can an oral fluid test be beaten?
We have studied a wide range of adulterants and have not found any that can beat the Intercept test. Of course, donors may attempt to introduce something onto the pad or collection vial. This risk is highly unlikely since every collection is directly observed.
6. Who collects the sample?
The donor collects his or her own sample under direct visual supervision by placing the collection pad in his or her cheek and gum for five minutes. Once the absorbent collection pad is saturated, the donor places it in a vial, which is then sealed and initialed. The entire process takes about seven minutes.
7. Does the Department of Transportation (DOT) recognize oral fluid testing?
At this time DOT does not recognize oral fluid testing. DOT only recognizes urine laboratory testing.
8. What is the turnaround time?
BarnesCare sends samples via overnight courier to the Intercept lab, which tests them the day they arrive and reports negative results by early afternoon. Positive results are confirmed, reviewed and reported within 48 hours of receipt.
9. Is oral fluid a hazardous fluid?
No. Because the testing methodology is not classified as a "dental process," OSHA does not consider oral fluid collections hazardous. In addition, oral fluid specimens are not subject to the same handling and disposal issues that face other body fluids.
10. How do you know if you have enough sample to test?
If the donor keeps the collection pad in his or her mouth for at least five minutes, as indicated on the package instructions, there is enough to test. The collection pad is treated with salts to stimulate oral fluid secretion, making the process very reliable. In fact, in a comprehensive study, only one in 10,000 samples were reported as insufficient for testing.
To learn more or to arrange for services, call a BJC corporate health consultant at 314.747.5859.
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Oral Fluid Drug Testing at BarnesCare
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