Despite their dangerous effects, the use of synthetic or “designer” drugs has been growing in Missouri and around the country. Synthetic marijuana, commonly called “K2,” “K3” and “Spice,” as well as a stimulant marketed as “bath salts,” pose an immediate and serious threat in the workplace. In an effort to prevent their use, drug testing laboratories have developed technology to detect metabolites of each compound. This testing is available at BarnesCare.
“Designer drugs” are manufactured in an attempt to circumvent the Controlled Substances Act, which has prompted legislative initiatives at the federal and state levels, including new laws in Missouri and Illinois. The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) reported that, by mid-2011, centers across the country had received 3,787 calls related to synthetic marijuana exposure. That’s 800 more calls than the total received in all of 2010.
The use of “bath salts” has also risen sharply. According to the AAPCC, poison centers received more than 4,000 calls related to the drug in 2011, as opposed to only 303 calls in 2010. The increase of abuse is attributed, in part, to individuals who are subject to regular urine drug testing, which does not test for the metabolites of these substances.
Synthetic marijuana became widespread in the U.S. around 2008, sold in retail locations as herbal incense. The desired effects of synthetic marijuana use include euphoria, relaxation and heightened sensory perception. However, dangerous side effects can include decreased reaction times, convulsions, anxiety attacks, dangerously elevated heart rates, increased blood pressure, vomiting and psychosis. Users have also shown a tendency toward addiction and subsequent withdrawal.
Mephedrone and methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) are synthetic stimulants marketed as “bath salts.” Pharmacologically similar to illegal substances like cocaine, methamphetamine and ecstasy, mephedrone and MDPV present a severe and immediate danger to both users and those around them. Bath salts are abused for desired effects such as euphoria, alertness, talkativeness and sexual arousal. However, dangerous side effects can include addiction, chest pains, increased blood pressure due to vasoconstriction, tachycardia, agitation, extreme paranoia, panic attacks, hallucinations, seizure and delusions. These negative effects have resulted in an increase in emergency room visits and hospitalizations, severe psychotic and violent episodes, self-inflicted wounds, suicide and an alarming increase in abuse-related deaths.
Testing for these synthetic drugs can now be performed in conjunction with any urine laboratory-based test provided at BarnesCare. There is no special collection or handling method involved with testing. Screening and confirmations are performed daily with a turnaround time of 24-48 hours for positive results.
Employers who wish to add one or both of these panels to their drug testing protocols should contact a BarnesCare representative to discuss pricing and an employee communication plan that would include updating your Drug-Free Workplace Policy. For more information, call a BJC Corporate Health Consultant at 314.747.5859.