News Dedicated to a Healthy Workplace
November 2012
Jones Takes on Role as President of National Organization
Congratulations to Scott C. Jones, DO, MPH, FAOCOPM, medical director, BJC Corporate Health Services, who has taken on a new role in the American Osteopathic College of Occupational and Preventive Medicine (AOCOPM). Dr. Jones will serve as president of the organization through October 2013. As president, Dr. Jones will continue to strive to make the organization more efficient and effective for members. “One of the many benefits of working with BJC is the lean leadership training that I’m applying to the AOCOPM,” says Dr. Jones. “We’ve already seen significant process improvements in the efficiency of our regularly scheduled meetings.”
For Dr. Jones, this is the third year of a four-year leadership commitment to AOCOPM. He served as secretary in 2011, president-elect in 2012 and will serve as immediate past president in 2014. He was named an AOCOPM fellow in 2009 and has been a member for 20 years.
The AOCOPM provides educational opportunities in occupational, environmental and preventive medicine, in addition to a semi-annual conference for prevention-oriented health care organizations. The organization’s goal is to create a better understanding of the relationship of health and prevention as it relates to the wellness of the population.
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Dedicated to a Healthy Workplace
Jones Takes on Role as President of National Organization
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