News Dedicated to a Healthy Workplace
December 2012
Miener Earns Certification
Congratulations to Karen Miener, RN, CCM, COHN-S, who has earned certification as an occupational health nurse specialist.
Occupational and environmental health nursing is the specialty practice that delivers health and safety programs and other services to worker populations and community groups. Becoming a certified occupational health nurse specialist broadens the scope of knowledge and shows competence in multiple associated aspects of nursing. These areas include management, health education, toxicology, industrial hygiene, research and ethics. The certification is good for five years in conjunction with continuing education units.
For BarnesCare clients, this certification provides a mark of quality and assurance that the occupational health nurse has the expertise to handle all of their occupational health needs.
"Karen is a tremendous resource for BarnesCare clients,” saysDiane Palmer, RN, MPH, BarnesCare director, clinical operations. “This certification demonstrates her depth of knowledge as well as her commitment to improve the health of the people and workplaces she serves."
Miener is also a certified case manager. She has more than 12 years of experience coordinating services to help individuals and families cope with complicated health and medical situations efficiently and effectively.
For more information on how Miener can help your company, please contact a BJC corporate health consultant at 314.747.5859.
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