Let’s address one of the often-neglected elements of wellness: emotional. Within this dimension, we must examine our own feelings — something we aren’t always keen on doing. How we address the emotional aspects of our lives can greatly impact other aspects of our overall wellness. Think about how we let our emotions dictate our behaviors and how our emotional response — or lack thereof — influences our overall mood, attitude or behaviors. Our expressions have the capability to affect us as well as others and may elicit an array of responses. We also must examine in this dynamic how we let the emotional responses of others dictate our own feelings and emotions. Each of us possesses strengths and weaknesses here, and often we must focus on tolerance and acceptance — both of our own feelings as well as of others'.
So, how can you work on your emotional wellness, especially in the workplace?
- Write down your feelings after an event or discussion. Think about what specifically in the moment made you feel the way you felt.
- Ask yourself how you might respond in a similar situation where you are not directly involved, or how you might guide a coworker or friend who came to you with the same reactions.
- Reach out and talk with someone you haven’t interacted with in a long time.
- Offer the olive branch -- forgive someone and/or apologize to someone with whom you've had an unresolved disagreement.
- Discuss your emotions with a friend or family member you trust.
- Accept support and/or talk to a professional; check out your company’s employee assistance program.
Remember that emotions are a natural response to any circumstance, and every person is entitled to feel how they feel in any given moment. When you can learn to understand your emotional responses, accept the emotional responses of others and recognize triggers for specific emotions, you can gain more optimal emotional wellness in your life.
Would you like more guidance on emotional well-being or other areas of the eight dimensions of wellness? The wellness professionals at BarnesCare are here to help. Contact BarnesCare for more information.
This is the second in a series of articles about the eight dimensions of wellness.